The Time is Right!

We came, we sang, we marched.

With our suffragette colours, our placards waving high, and our beautifully striking ‘Women Unite’ banner leading the charge, we wound our way through the bustling streets of York.

“Woman Power, woman power, woman energy! Not surprising we are rising, far as the eye can see!”

A fantastic turnout on the day, York Feminist Network group members alongside new faces a-plenty. Even a pro-feminist dog had made the effort to join our cause!

On reaching our end point, we gathered in close and listened as women (and man) stepped up to the microphone to explain why they were marching, why feminism is still needed. It was an inspiring moment, and our applause rang loud.

As if that wasn’t quite enough feminism for one fantastic day, Sunday evening saw the very first film screening from FemFilm – the York Feminist Network film group. On offer was a documentary about the black, lesbian feminist Audre Lorde – a great insight into a fascinating woman, and a brilliant turnout once more.

Women Unite? You can say that again.

About yorkfeministnetwork

We are an independent group in York, UK and aim to act as a hub to enable women and men who support feminism in York and the surrounding area to meet (in real life or online), discuss, share ideas and take action.
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